You’re on your way to creating a GIF in Photoshop! Once this step is completed by either method above, be sure to name each layer to help keep your workflow organized. To accomplish this, select either Layer > New > Layer or click the Layer button on the layer palette. If you intend to create additional frames with other images within this new document, you’ll need to create layers for each of these manually. Then, simply drag your image into the Photoshop project window or go to File > Open and select your image. If you have no image at all or a single image you intend to work from (as is often the case with animated banners), create a new document with File > New. Have a Single Image? (Or No Image at All?) Once you press OK, Photoshop will automatically create a layer for each image you opted to include. You’ll be prompted to open files, so select the Browse option and locate each file you intend to place within the document. This helpful option allows you to load an entire range of images simultaneously, rather than needing to drag each one into your document individually. You can get started easily by going to File > Scripts > Load Files Into Stack.
So you’ve got a series of images that already have a flow that you can animate, or your client has provided you with the images you’ll need? Awesome. There are different approaches here, and it will largely depend on how you wish to proceed: Have a Series of Images Ready to Go? Step 9: Save Your GIF in Photoshop, Then Exportīefore you can make an animated GIF in Photoshop, you’ll need to get your images imported and ready to animate.